September 15, 2008

Angry Candy

Angry Candy. That's how I feel today. I woke up pissed off about something, but happy that I'd have something to gripe about in this venue. But somehow this morning I got so absorbed in being pissed off about the very situational, mundane shite that occupies my waking hours that I just forgot what I wanted to write about.

(Nice footnote in the above-linked poem, by the way ... next time, instead of noting the one thing I could look up online with a simple click, howzabout telling us what Cambridge ladies are (for instance)?)

Instead, I'll pose a political (for which I apologise (pull out his eyes) question or two:

Is it only since the millennium that the Gulf coast has been menaced by hurricanes?

If not, what does it seem like that's the case?

If not, why didn't gas cost a buck a gallon more every time it happened back then?

I mean, what's different now?

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